…Do you have permission to photograph the lights?

Copyright is a massive issue for any artist, and ripping off anyone’s copyright or trademark is definitely a no no. This is close to the heart of all photographers, copyright is their livelihood, so most ethical photographers are very mindful of this issue. I received a message once about this image and he said that the lights were protected by copyright.  I fell off my chair, and I later found it to be correct when I licensed another Eiffel Tower image to a French postcard co.

Apparently if you credit SNTE, which is essentially the city of Paris, it’s all good. As for National Park permits….that’s another post all together.

~ by Michael Brown on October 20, 2008.

4 Responses to “…Do you have permission to photograph the lights?”

  1. mind blowing shot

  2. Thanks Dinesh.

  3. Great Shot Michael fresh pov of the eiffel tower never seen it from this angle .
    Love you work you have some stunning images

  4. Thanks Kirk, it’s really one of the only compositions that work that is different to the tradtional vertical.I have another one in colour that is a little more symmetrical, but looks a little contrived. Thanks for your comment.

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